Please provide your name and email address (if you would like to remain anonymous, you may skip this question):
What additional resources/tools (new products and services) should ASHRAE provide to members that could increase their earning potential?
What resources/tools (new products and services) can ASHRAE provide to members to increase their companies' profitability and ability to attract more clients?
What can ASHRAE do to help reduce yearly attrition of members?
In your opinion, how can ASHRAE better communicate components of its’ strategic plan to members across all levels of the Society?
In your opinion, what are several industry topics that should be prioritized in the 2025 strategic plan?
If you know someone who is a former member of ASHRAE, why did they not continue their membership? Do you know what ASHRAE could have done to keep this person as a member?
Company Principles:
Would you be interested in ASHRAE-Staff keeping a database of your employees in terms of training/certification?
Would you be interested in having an in-house ASHRAE library that fits your business/expertise?
What is the most important thing ASHRAE provides, or that you would like to see provided, that would justify funding your employees' volunteer involvement in ASHRAE at the chapter, region, and Society level?
Additional comments?